Society of Panaji

Lifestyle of Panaji

Each city, state or for that matter a nation is made of collective values, principles and habits practiced by its citizens, which invariably helps in laying the foundation of its society. Likewise the people of Panaji have their own set of values and principles, which have become core values and foundation of distinct and unique society that it has become today.

And its society is distinct and unique purely because its core values are based on timeless and universal human ethos: to love life to the fullest. This single yet powerful ethos is not just the essence of social life of Panaji, but also of entire Goan society. An ethos that is clearly missing in other developed and affluent cities like Mumbai and Delhi, but is the main social engine of social life of Goa.
Here people don’t blindly run behind money. Hence daily life in this part of the world is not at all fast. Here life is lived leisurely, slowly. Just like its beautiful beaches, completely calm and peaceful. In fact, along with its beautiful beaches and hordes of historical monuments, it is also Goan people’s sheer appreciation and pure love for life that draws millions of tourists from across the world. People, who don’t find any deep sense of joy in their busy city lives, come here as a tourists and find sense of joy in huge abundance & invariably fall in love with its people.           
The ultimate testimony of how here love for life has taken precedence over everything else is proven by the fact that people of Goa have not at all got carried away by humongous wealth that decades of tourism sector have brought in. They are still the same people as they were before tourism had become such a big thing: as simple, humble and big hearted.   
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